JTK Power makes a Christmas donation

JTK Power participates in Save the Children Finland’s Christmas fundraiser this year. The company has made donations for four consecutive Christmases. At JTK, there is a sense of obligation to help and support those in a less fortunate position in society, especially children.
“Every child must have the opportunity to go to school and engage in activities in their free time. The future of Finnish society rests on the shoulders of children and young people, and that is why we, as a company, want to be part of helping and instilling faith in Finnish society among children and young people. A small contribution may have a significant impact on the future of children," says Daniel Byggningsbacka, JTK Power’s Accountant.
The company also challenges other businesses to participate in Save the Children Finland's corporate Christmas collection and show that Finnish companies care. The Christmas collection helps low-income families and children at risk of social exclusion in Finland.
Donations can be made at:
Save the Children is the world's leading independent child organJTKization that brings about immediate and lasting changes in children's lives. Together, we ensure every child's right to life, protection, learning, and participation in Finland and around the world.