
Jenni Sofia yhteystieto3

JTK Power has chosen Jenni-Sofia Viitala for the position as product and sales manager, Shelter Solutions. She started her new job on the 1st of March 2021.


The purpose of the manufacturing services and advice provided by the experts at JTK Power Group is to find the best possible solution for manufacturing customers’ products. Effective processes and the company’s experience over almost 30 years has resulted in a solid knowledge of how to manufacture durable products at competitive prices.

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JTK Power Group also intends to stay competitive in the future. In developing its manufacturing processes, JTK Power utilises the opportunities brought by the latest automation and their top-grade know-how of the sector


In a fast-changing world, different forces and trends affect people and businesses across all industries. Companies are required to adapt to changes and keep the finger on the pulse of development in order to stay competitive. JTK Power monitors the industry’s changes and directions closely to be prepared for them.


Results of the customer satisfaction survey conducted last year confirm the operations of JTK Power Group have been successful. This applies to products and services as well as customer support and delivery reliability. Altogether, the operations received a rating of 8.7 on a scale of 1-10.


JTK Power Group specialises in developing and manufacturing demanding steel solutions for the world’s leading companies in the marine and mining industries, the logistics sector and power plants. Through operations in three locations, each with their own specialization, the company can offer comprehensive solutions designed to meet even the most demanding customer needs.